Confess by Colleen Hoover Summary & Wisdom in a Nutshell

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Book by Colleen Hoover

Do you want to know What is confess by colleen hoover about? 

Yes you’re in the right place,  Explore the captivating summary of “Confess” by Colleen Hoover on our website. Dive into a world of love, secrets, and redemption in this compelling story.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction to Auburn and Adam

The story begins with Auburn Reed, a sixteen-year-old girl, visiting her dying boyfriend, Adam, in a Dallas hospital. They share a heartbreaking farewell, expressing their eternal love before Adam’s brother, Trey, pulls her away so she can make her flight back to Portland.

Fast forward to five years later, Auburn is now twenty, living in Dallas, and struggling with loneliness and financial difficulties. She desperately needs a lawyer but can’t afford one, and acknowledges that she needs a second job. This chapter sets a poignant tone, highlighting Auburn’s early loss and her ongoing struggles in adulthood.

Chapter 2: Auburn's Encounter with Owen

As Auburn searches for a second job, she stumbles upon an art studio with a “Help Wanted” sign and numerous anonymous confessions posted outside. Intrigued, she knocks on the door and meets Owen Gentry, the artist. Owen hires her to work that evening during an art opening.

There is an immediate and palpable chemistry between them. Auburn learns that Owen’s paintings are inspired by the anonymous confessions outside his studio. Afterward, Owen takes her to a bar where his best friend, Harrison, works, and then walks her home. Owen feels a sense of fate upon seeing Auburn again, remembering her from somewhere in his past.

Chapter 3: Growing Connection and Missed Date

Auburn becomes increasingly curious about Owen’s art and the confessions that inspire it. They spend time together looking at the confessions, and Auburn leaves one of her own. Back at her apartment, she sees a painting Adam made for her, bringing back memories.

They plan to meet the following night, but Owen stands her up. Feeling betrayed, Auburn struggles with her emotions. Three weeks later, on her birthday, she is left alone by Lydia, Adam’s mother, who is raising Auburn and Adam’s son, AJ. Auburn gets drunk at Harrison’s bar, leading to a series of misunderstandings and revelations with Owen.

Chapter 4: Auburn and Owen's Weekend Together

Owen and Auburn spend a weekend together, growing closer as they share personal confessions. Auburn reveals her struggles and Owen tells her about his traumatic past, including a car accident that killed his mother and brother. They set up a tent in her apartment, creating a private confessional space.

Their bond deepens, but Lydia arrives unexpectedly with AJ, leading to a confrontation. Lydia is furious when she sees Owen and takes AJ away. Auburn is heartbroken but finds solace in Owen’s arms. The chapter ends with Trey, now a cop, causing further complications by revealing Owen’s arrest for drug possession.

Chapter 5: Auburn's Dilemma and Trey's Manipulation

Auburn faces a dilemma as she grapples with her feelings for Owen and Trey’s manipulative behavior. Trey pressures her to consider a relationship with him, promising that it will allow her to be with AJ more. Auburn reluctantly considers it but is uncomfortable with Trey.

During a tense family dinner, Auburn demands more time with AJ, leading to a heated argument with Lydia. Trey drops her off at her apartment, but his controlling behavior continues to escalate. Owen leaves Auburn a note, leading to another confrontation where Trey’s true nature is revealed. Auburn’s distress grows as she navigates these complex relationships.

Chapter 6: Owen’s Sacrifice and Auburn’s Realization

Owen’s backstory is further revealed through a flashback to the night he met Auburn. He took the blame for his father’s drug possession to protect him from losing his career. This act of sacrifice highlights Owen’s character and the burden he carries. Auburn spends more time with AJ and Trey, trying to convince herself to be with Trey for AJ’s sake. 

However, her feelings for Owen remain strong. Trey’s abusive behavior becomes more apparent when he assaults Auburn. This traumatic event, combined with Owen’s unwavering support, helps Auburn realize she cannot be with Trey. She decides to prioritize AJ’s well-being and her own happiness.

Chapter 7: Confrontation and Resolution

Auburn takes decisive action to secure custody of AJ. She gathers evidence of Trey’s misconduct, including a recording of him confessing to planting drugs on Owen and assaulting her. Auburn confronts Lydia with this evidence, forcing her to relinquish custody of AJ. Meanwhile, Owen is released from jail after his father intervenes. The charges against him are dropped, and he reunites with Auburn.

They embrace and share a passionate kiss, solidifying their commitment to each other. Owen decides not to tell Auburn about his connection to Adam, respecting the love she had for him. The chapter concludes with a hopeful future for Auburn, Owen, and AJ.

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“Confess” by Colleen Hoover is a story of love, loss, and redemption. Auburn and Owen’s journey is filled with emotional highs and lows as they navigate personal traumas and external conflicts.

Auburn’s strength and determination to secure a better life for her son, coupled with Owen’s sacrifices, create a compelling narrative. Despite the challenges they face, their love prevails, leading to a hopeful and satisfying resolution. The novel emphasizes the power of confessions, both anonymous and personal, in shaping our lives and relationships.


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Confess by Colleen Hoover Book Falls Into the Following Genres: Self-Help, Psychology, Political science 📚

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